web developer

Hey there!

Record collector and web geek who enjoys a good front end and gigs at the front row.

My passion lies in the world of front-end development, where I find joy in crafting seamless user experiences and recently dabbling in JavaScript animations.

I'm actively seeking opportunities for a web developer position in the Helsinki region. Let's connect and explore the possibilities of collaboration in the exciting field of web development!

Have a peek at some of the things I've built!

Sanoita parempi maailma virtual gallery

Built with love during my internship at Alfons Digital.

This project uses GSAP animations for a lively presentation of poetry written by kids. The project is built with blocks using Advanced Custom Fields where the user can choose pictures, colors and such as they wish.

I really enjoyed this project and getting to work on such an imprtant cause and of course the JS animations were so much fun!

HTML5 | Twig | SCSS | JavaScript | GSAP | WordPress | ACF

Have a look!

Countries App

Aim of this project was to get comfortable with state management using React Redux.
We also have a look at authentication with Firebase.
We get the data used in the project from Rest Countries API and OpenWeather API.

Features include register and login using Firebase, after creating an account you get access to country cards where you can add favorite countries to a favorites list. You can view a single country by clicking the card, in this page you can see some basic information, map of the capital via Google Maps and current weather data using Open Weather API.


Have a look! GitHub

TasteIT Recipe App

Built as an final challenge on React basics course at Business College Helsinki Full Stack Developer program.

The aim was to get comfortable with forms and move data from front to back and vice versa. As new challenges we had to figure out how to dynamically render more inputs as needed and fetch data from Rest Countries API and put the data into a select menu. As an extra because of personal interest I wanted to create a dark/light theme switch.

Includes small tests done with Jest.


Have a look! GitHub